Monday, 29 December 2008

Resolution Schme-solution

I just had an awesome day out with the family. Dimsum with the parents and sisters in the morning, then Bowling and grocery shopping for Aimi. She's going back tomorrow. It will been a bit weird to be waving from the other side this time. Definitely a wake up call - I'm not going back to UK. I miss it already. Anyways, then coffeezone with the Poojas - Aimi's treat (i know... wow! hahahah).

Oh, did I mention... Nadi's back??? Hehehe :D I still have no idea what i'm going to do for new year's. Probably just sleep through it. I'm not one for a new year. I've only just settled with 2008. I'll be turning 23 in 11 days. Oh gosh. When asked what I want for my birthday... I go absolutely blank. I've no wishlist really. Oh, maybe a WII and rockband. Hahaha.

Speaking of new year's and my birthday.... Here's my tradition. (1) Make new year's resolution before 01st of January ends, then (2) if by 9th January I have not succesfully carry out my resolution, restart on this date. But on most occasion, I hardly ever start it. Hahaha. So let my first new year's resolution be: To successfully carry out ANY resolution... MUST!

I have to go back to MOE tomorrow. I've already received my letters BUT banyak mistakesss. So i've to go back there and get it fixed before I report to others.

Bah, I'm off to bed. I think we're going for massage tomorrow, my back hurts!! Good night and incase I skip blogging until next year:


Hope you all had a wonderful 2008, and hope that 2009 is more awesome and brings lots of joy and happiness to all of you. I know I'm in for a ride. Wish me luck!! :)

Monday, 22 December 2008

Productive day

People who call up Radio stations crack me up. Don't get me wrong. Props for them to be able to have the courage to call, but the name they go by REALLY crack me up. Seriously! For example: *insertnameofcar*-girl. Hahaha.


... first day of no-amah wasn't so bad. Well, technically yesterday was our first day, but we were hardly home. I woke up to find that my mom already did laundry (and it was only 9.30am!). What's left was to clean up the house. I pretty much just unpacked my boxes (finally) .. and yes, ALL of it. I have so much stuff, it's unbelievable at how much I've gathered just over a year. I've finally put away all my files/notes. Goodbye school years.

I've also reported to MOE. The Cikgu told me to just wait for them to call, for me to pick up a letter from them - to be used for job applications. She mentioned that I should then apply to teach Sekolah menengah2 (errr??). I have no idea what's to become of me. But I shall go with the flowww.

Hakeem was kind enough to dangankan me go everywhere. I think this is the first time (in a longggg time) we get to go out and spend alone time after soooo long. Proper day out, which was pretty much about filling up my face with food. Hahaha.

I miss a lot of people today. I miss them Poojas in UK. I miss the Poojas in Aussie. I miss my MD friends and can't wait to meet them as soon as everyone's not busy. I miss the Miskin Posse (yes Umie, that includes you :).

Most of all though, I miss being a kid and being so carefree *sigh*. Turning 23 in 18 days. I might still be young, but the transition towards working life makes me feel old.


Pictures longgg overdue. From when Umie visited us in Cardiff :)

Oct-Nov 08 114

Oct-Nov 08 120

Oct-Nov 08 123

Oct-Nov 08 126

Oct-Nov 08 127

Oct-Nov 08 128

Oct-Nov 08 129

I don't quite remember where Farid was. Nada his picture like that. Anyways, I'm gona go. Waiting for Ka Diana to skype with us. They're skype-ing with Jem at the moment.

Laters everyone.

Friday, 19 December 2008


I've just watched 'Twilight' with the Poojas (Finally!).. and I was right, I was disappointed. Lets see... Here's mostly why:

1. There was no mention of Edward's lullaby for Bella (it was the one he played on the piano in his house). This was important!

2. The whole glowing under the sunlight was worst than awful. It was supposed to be more exaggerated! He should have shone more.. seriously!

3. Rosalie was supposed to be gorgeous, actually they all were.

4. When Edward said "I like watching you sleep. It fascinates me", it sounded psycho-ish in the movie than in the book.

5. The place where Bella and Edward laid in the forest (where he showed Bella what happens under the sunlight)... was supposed to be more beautiful than that. Much more!

I don't know... maybe I was comparing the movie and the book too much. Or maybe it's just the book... Everything was really exaggerated. From hers and his feelings, to the places they went, to the things they did... everything seemed more than what was shown in the movie. I guess that's the power of a book. The things you can do with words.

Oh well.... I guess it's a reasonably good first movie. It had to drag to introduce everyone and everything. I'm looking forward for the fourth movie mostly.

Shout out to Hadi:

Happy Birthday Had. Tua sudah, 23!! Hahaha.

It's almost 3am, no wonder I'm sleepy. Goodnight everybody.

P/s: Happy 79mnths Chubbs <3

Back for Good.

I'm backkk!! FINALLY!

Was supposed to be back a day earlier, but we were waitlisted as the flight was full. And that my mom and sisters were on staff ticket. So, we were stranded again for another day.... AGAIN! But it's all good... one more day of shopping in the city. Although, we didn't know what else to buy. Haha.

Oh, and my shipment boxes have arrived. Hakeem came and collected his, just under 10 minutes ago, after he had our breakfast at CA Mohd earlier. I think I'm still jetlagged... I woke up at 8.30am this morning, which was technically 10.30am in Aussie. I'm thinking of staying to this routine, so I'll get more hours in a day. And more productive activities done in a day.. like cleaning up my room and finally getting rid of ALL the boxes. Clearing up my closet, and give my old clothes to charity. My main project (during the period of my unemployment days.. or months.. haha) is to fix up the room downstairs and make it our music room. 3 guitars, a piano, record player and my retro old-school mic.

I want to watch Twilight today. And maybe 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'... but I heard reviews are really bad for that one. Low budget-ish. I have to catch up on my movies.. seriously. I miss Cineworld already! Nyehhhh.

My first attempt at bodyboarding. More like an asian drowning. Wahahhahahahhahahhaa!!!

Brisbane 050


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Goodbye Brisbane. Goodbye Holiday.

My last day in Brisbane. It's been oh-so-awesome. But now.. I think I'm ready to go back home. I feel like I've been away for so long, that I'm longing for home atmosphere. Although, I doubt it would be filled with any productive activities. My first priority is to watch 'Twilight'. I've heard mixed reviews from a lot of people. Those who have read the book thought it was a bit disappointing, pretty much what you'd expect when you compare it with the book. Those who have not read it thought it was awesome. But BOTH thought Robert Pattinson (Edward) is hot. Hahaha. Can't believe that was Cedric Diggory.

I guess Brisbane is the holiday that I needed before work life. I don't actually know if I'm ready for that. I guess no one is ever ready for that kind of transition. Main motivation right now is to earn my own money and see what I can actually do with it. Hehe.

I have no idea what I'm going to do for new year's and for my birthday. Probably just something subtle. Like getting a new car. Hahhahaha.


Brisbane 3 140

Aboriginal Dance Show at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

Brisbane 3 022

View of Brisbane City from Southbank. Beautiful right? :) Oh, and that's a man-made swimming pool/beach

Brisbane 3 103

And, Happy Belated Birthday to Syasya (13/12/08). Mado Restaurant, Southbank.

Brisbane 3 193

The 9pm Belly Dancer at Mado Restaurant. Gila, I'd kill to have a body like hers. Hahaha.

Brisbane 3 174

More pictures next time. I'm off to the city now. G'day y'all :)

Saturday, 13 December 2008

G'day Mate!

Greetings all the way from Brisbane, Australia!!

It's my sixth day today. And I'm having quite a blast. Let's see.... Beaches, Goldcoast, Markets, Kebab, Churros, Wicked Bananas, Swimming, Bodyboarding, Coldrocks and Shopping. Yup, I've got and done pretty much what I came for.

It's so beautiful here, especially where my Aunt is staying (Southbank). I can imagine living here, with the sun out and all. Even at night, it's so serene. I could just lay down on the grass and stare at the awesome view of the city from here. It's awesome. There was this one place where my Aunt brought us, 'Mount Coot-tha', you can view the whole city from there. We went there late at night, it was just so pretty. Such a contrast to dull winter in UK. Hahha. I can't believe I was just in UK a week ago. Shucks.

Okay, I was going to upload pictures. But let's leave it to next time. Maybe just a couple of pictures on Mount Coot-tha.

Brisbane Dec 08 082

Brisbane Dec 08 085


Oh, and we went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary yesterday, mostly for the Koala and the Aboriginal Dance Show. That was cool. I want to learn surfing... BUT woman problems. Nyehhhh.

Ok, till then.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Bon Voyage Caerdydd

A little something from my last day in Cardiff (Picture below). It was such a bittersweet feeling. It was so emotional, seriously! Tapi it was probably just me with the waterworks. Hehehe. I miss everyone already.


Hehehe. We had a small dinner gathering. And I asked everyone to wear my new specs. Sekali.. semua orang saiz pakai!

Anyhoo... yes, I'm back in Brunei for good. But as of tomorrow noon until 17th December (insyAllah), I'll be in Brisbane. The rest of the family are already there. Aimi and I are home alone at the moment. Partayyyy. Hahahhaha. Kami K.O. berabis and you want to know why???

We were supposed to arrive yesterday, supposed to be in Brisbane already!! BUT.... the damn flight from London was cancelled!! Nyehhhh. One day less in Brisbane. Inda pa2 lah.. asal ke sana! hehehhe :D

Okay, im tired. I'll write a proper post next time.

I miss the posse already. Baz, Jem, Farid, Lina, Faye and Umie..... *hugs*

Monday, 1 December 2008


It is 6.30AM and I have been waiting for my file to finish uploading onto my e-mail. If not, I would be done with my dissertation by now! Well, off to binding of course.

Oh gosh.... I've forgotten how it feels like to wake up in the morning and NOT worry about the dissertation!


I will celebrate tomorrow... actually, later. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be totally free after this, and I'm going back to Brunei for good in 4 days!

Oh come on... attach already! I am sleepy. This may take a while *sigh*