Saturday, 19 July 2008


As much as I don't want to start another post with "Wow.. it has been a while since i last post...", I really haven't been blogging.. although I keep opening the posting page, ending up closing it again. Can't say I've been busy. Busy bumming .. maybe. HEHE. BUT, i keep trying to start on my dissertation. I've got enough sources and information, I just can't get myself to start. I think I left my mojo back in Cardiff. Nyeh!

Oh, belated birthday wish...


Btw, going back to my previous post. Lovely Bazilah brought my stylus back and singgahkan to my house. Only to find out that we bought the wrong one!!! Gahhhhh. How disappointed were we!?! So, we went and bought a new one, which should arrive next week with Aunty Nong :D I hope it'll fit this time! Really want that record player to start singing!

I got my results already. Alhamdullilah I passed all my 2nd semester modules. Unfortunately, they couldn't come around and give me just 3 more points for me to pass my Environmental Policy module, which i failed the first semester. GAH! 3 more freaking percent!! But oh well.... lets see how this goes. My worry is coming back for Raya really. Ive already started buying my kain for raya. Hehe. I asked my course director about the whole thing.. he's yet to reply. Nyehhhhhh.

I can't believe Im going back in less than 2 weeks! A month sudah i've been back. Im proud to say that i've been productive... most times. Heheh. Speaking of which..... FARID... if you're reading..... you want anything from Brunei???

Bah, i should go and take a shower now. Its freaking PANAS!

Laters people.